Are There Long Haired Pitbulls: Let’s Discover This Beauty of Pitbulls

Are there long haired pitbulls? Believe it or not, long-haired pit bulls are real! They are a rare variation of the American Pitbull Terrier, known for their short coats. These long-haired pit bulls surprise many because of the breed’s usual short hair. Their existence shows how diverse the pitbull family can be.

We’ll explore the world of long haired pitbulls in this article. We’ll look at their unique looks, debunk myths about them, and learn about their genetics. Whether you love pit bulls or just want to learn more, you’ll find something interesting here.

Introduction to the Fascinating World of Long-Haired Pitbulls

Get ready to explore the world of long haired Pitbulls! These special dogs are part of the American Pitbull Terrier family. They stand out with their silky, long coats. Long-haired Pit bulls, or “fluffy Pitbulls,” catch everyone’s eye with their looks.

The Unique Appearance and Characteristics of Long-Haired Pitbulls

are there long haired pitbulls

Long-haired Pitbulls look different from their short-haired friends Click here. They have lush, furry coats in colors like brindle, fawn, black, white, and blue. These coats need more care but look amazing.

These dogs are not just pretty; they’re also friendly and loyal. They love being around people and make great friends. They’re full of energy, perfect for activities like agility and training.

Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions About This Rare Variety

Long-haired Pitbulls are still 100% American Pitbull Terriers. Their long hair comes from a rare gene. Sadly, Pitbulls often face wrong ideas and bad images. But with the right training, these dog breeds can be sweet, loyal pets.

The History and Evolution of the American Pitbull Terrier

The American Pit bull Terrier story began in the early 19th century in England. Breeders mixed bulldogs with this type of dog to make a strong, muscular built yet gentle dog. They wanted a dog that could work hard and be kind with families.

These dogs were great at athletic, herding, hunting, and guarding farms. But, their strength and spirit made them popular in dogfighting. This cruel practice turned them into fierce fighters.

In the mid-1800s, these dogs came to America. Breeders here kept improving the Pitbull’s traits.

In 1898, the United Kennel Club was started. The American Pitbull Terrier was the first breed they recognized. Over time, people’s views on the breed have been mixed. The American Kennel Club still doesn’t officially recognize it.

Despite this, the American Pitbull Terrier is a favorite as both a pet and a working dog. They are great at many jobs, like police work, search and rescue, and helping people.

history of american pitbull terrier

The story of the American Pitbull Terrier is complex and interesting. It shows how the breed has changed over time. It also highlights the efforts to show the breed’s true nature and clear up wrong ideas about it.

are there long haired pitbulls

Yes, there are long-haired pitbulls! They are part of the American Pitbull Terrier family but have a silky, flowing coat. This makes them stand out from the short-haired ones. Breeders are working to make these rare and fascinating dogs more common.

The long hair in pitbulls comes from a recessive gene. This gene doesn’t show up often, so long hair is rare in pitbulls. But, breeders are focusing on this trait, so we’re seeing more long-haired pitbulls.

These dogs, often called “fluffy” or “furry” pitbulls, have medium to long hair. Their hair is soft and silky, needing a bit more care than short-haired ones. But, their unique look is worth the extra grooming.

Long-haired pitbulls shed less than many other breeds, which is great for indoor pets. Their striking look and loyal nature make them a standout among pitbulls.

Understanding the Genetics Behind Long-Haired Pitbulls

The long-haired Pitbull is a rare and interesting type of American Pitbull Terrier. Many think these dogs come from mixing with other breeds with long hair. But, the real story is more complex. It involves the FGF5 gene and how the long-haired trait is passed down.

The Role of the FGF5 Gene in Determining Coat Length

The FGF5 gene is key to a dog’s coat length. For American Pitbull Terriers, it usually means a short, smooth coat. But, a special mutation in this gene can lead to a longer, softer coat. This mutation is hidden, so both parents must carry it for their puppies to have long hair.

Exploring the Recessive Nature of the Long-Haired Trait

The long-haired trait in Pitbulls is recessive. This means the gene can be hidden and passed down through generations. Sometimes, a Pitbull may show long hair even if its parents don’t. This happens when two Pitbulls with the hidden gene are bred together.

Thanks to DNA tests, we can now see if a Pitbull has the long-hair gene. These tests show that long-haired Pitbulls are a natural part of the breed. They prove the amazing world of pitbull coat genetics and how the FGF5 gene and pitbull coat length work together.

Knowing about the recessive long hair trait in pitbulls helps with responsible ownership and breeding. It shows how diverse and adaptable this breed is.

pitbull coat genetics

Caring for Your Long-Haired Pitbull

Pitbulls are known for their short, easy-to-maintain coats. But, long-haired pitbulls also exist. They need a bit more grooming than short-haired ones. Yet, with the right routine, caring for a long-haired pitbull is doable.

Long-haired pitbulls shed more than their short-haired friends. So, regular brushing is key. Brush them a few times a week to keep their coat shiny and reduce fur at home.

Long-haired pitbulls also need baths more often. Their longer fur collects dirt and debris. Use a good dog shampoo to keep their coat and skin healthy.

Regular grooming stops matting and tangles in long-haired pitbulls. Pay extra attention to the ears, legs, and tail. Use your fingers or a detangling tool to gently remove mats without hurting your dog.

Don’t forget to trim your long-haired pitbull’s nails and clean their ears. Long nails can hurt and dirty ears can cause infections. Ask a vet or groomer how to do these things right.

With a consistent grooming routine, your long-haired pitbull will stay healthy and happy. A little extra care makes them a joy to have around.


The American Pitbull Terrier is a versatile and loving breed that can be a great family pet. Don’t let bad stereotypes stop you from adopting one. But, it’s key to know how to raise them right. They need a firm hand to be well-adjusted and happy.

Looking for a Pitbull with long hair? There is one! And if you’re unsure, you can check with DNA tests. Whatever choice you make with your pup, we wish you the best!

If you’re thinking about getting a long-haired Pitbull or just want to learn more about them, this article has helpful info. With the right care, these dogs can do well in many homes and become great friends.

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